Presenting a World FirstKills 99.999% of Germs
(Including Covid 19)

Mother’s Nature

Making a change to your world, one surface at a time.

Your children will thank you for choosing Mothers Nature

Mothers Nature™ does not contain alcohol or quaternary ammonium compounds to disinfect surfaces. Rather we use natural and organic ingredients which means that it is truly 100% non-toxic and WILL NOT cause any negative long term side effects from even long term use. Many disinfectants and cleaners claim to be non-toxic through clever marketing but closer analysis of the key active ingredients (that should always be declared) and their status around the world in schools and childcare would indicate that this is incorrect.

To read more about Ammonium quaternary compounds (“quats”) click the link below…

Safe for Skin* Contact


Safe for repeated Skin Contact
Safe for Sensitive Skin
Very good Skin Compatibility
No primary or delayed skin irritation.
Eurofins Test: 16th ER 22/038-11 12th May 2022


1st with a Natural 3-in-1 Product!

CLEAN, DISINFECT AND DEODORIZE WITH 1 PRODUCT: with a natural, light, clean & fresh PREMIUM fragrance

Safe on Skin – No Hazardous Chemicals

Disinfection and Sanitization is NOW POSSIBLE without introducing a RISK (hazardous chemicals) to manage another risk (dangerous / hazardous pathogens and viruses)
Force of Nature – Mothers Nature allows you to disinfect, sanitize and CLEAN without managing the risk of hazardous chemicals you try to use to restore a sanitary and fresh environment at home.

Still have questions? Contact a member of our team.

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